OLD AND NEW ALLIANCES. Towards a theory of exodus for the xxi century

1/2017, [:it]aprile[:en]April[:] ISBN: 9788899871789pp. 167 - 180 DOI: 10.19280/P2017-1-009


The aim of this paper is to explain the exodus political theory, conceived by Italian Radical Thought and to propose it as one of the most efficient contemporary emancipation’s strategy. To define the exodus, we can state that it corresponds to a resourceful exit, it’s the way to escape from the power in order to found new institutions. First of all, the paper points out three historical examples of exodus, later the theory is explained following the Paolo Virno thought. At the end of this essay the exodus is connected with the notion of usage, as it comes to light in the last Virno studies.

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Nizza, Angelo. "OLD AND NEW ALLIANCES. Towards a theory of exodus for the xxi century". Pólemos X. 1. (2017): 167-180 https://www.rivistapolemos.it/vecchie-e-nuove-alleanze-una-teoria-dellesodo-per-il-xxi-secolo/?lang=en
Nizza, A. (2017). "OLD AND NEW ALLIANCES. Towards a theory of exodus for the xxi century". Pólemos X. (1). 167-180 https://www.rivistapolemos.it/vecchie-e-nuove-alleanze-una-teoria-dellesodo-per-il-xxi-secolo/?lang=en
Nizza, Angelo. 2017. "OLD AND NEW ALLIANCES. Towards a theory of exodus for the xxi century". Pólemos X (1). Donzelli Editore: 167-180. https://www.rivistapolemos.it/vecchie-e-nuove-alleanze-una-teoria-dellesodo-per-il-xxi-secolo/?lang=en




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