
1/2023, luglio ISBN: 978-88-5522-620-2pp. 13 - 37 DOI: 10.48247/P2023-1-002


The essay passes through the shifts in meaning of the concept of responsibility starting from the paradigm of the human being: a living being, situated in the world, and participating, before being a coordinator, in a process that involves the world/environment. The term takes on its specific meaning with the affirmation of the idea of freedom that orients a living being capable of reacting and responding to the emergencies of life and world by interrupting the stimulus/response mechanism. The human specimen interprets its bodily equipment, projecting itself forward, opening up to the otherwise possible. Thinking on responsibility reveals all the viscosity of the term when it attempts to resolve the infinite disagreement between subjective and objective spheres, between intention and action, between individual and universal. Responsibility is rooted in feeling, but witnesses itself through action, the result of which transcends even the best of intentions. Responsibility does not escape the tragedy of morality in an age marked by the fall of values that inspire the common and plural horizon of the human life-form. In this horizon, responsibility eschews any one-dimensional definition and objectification, preserving itself as a task of thought capable of guarding the limits of the human within the in-finite constellations of the world beyond man. Evidence of this is the renewed focus on responsibility after the tragedy of totalitarianisms in which the answer/promise revealed the possibility of the unthinkable, the destructive power of an abstract and one-dimensional thinking.

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Bonito Oliva, Rossella . "Responsibility". Pólemos IV. 1. (2023): 13-37
Bonito Oliva, R. (2023). "Responsibility". Pólemos IV. (1). 13-37
Bonito Oliva, Rossella . 2023. "Responsibility". Pólemos IV (1). Donzelli Editore: 13-37.




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