Hayek a Buenos Aires: sulle origini globali del neoliberalismo argentino

2/2023, Dicembre ISBN: 9788855226400pp. 87 - 110 DOI: 10.48247/P2023-2-006


This article aims to investigate the global origins of neoliberalism outside of Europe and the United States, analyzing the specific case of Argentina. Examining the early Argentine neoliberal institutions and journals, the first part of the article analyzes not only the networks that facilitated the visits of Western neoliberal intellectuals to Latin America and the translation and dissemination of their ideas, but also the transformation of these ideas into ideological weapons against the local forms of state dirigisme: Peronism and developmentalism. The second part focuses on Friedrich von Hayek’s lectures in Argentina, the arguments he presented and the contradictions it faced, particularly legitimizing the temporary suspension of the rule of law to restore market order outside Western democracies. The third part investigates how Hayek’s thought

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Ciolli, Matilde . "Hayek a Buenos Aires: sulle origini globali del neoliberalismo argentino". Pólemos IV. 2. (2023): 87-110 https://www.rivistapolemos.it/questo-saggio-intende-indagare-le-origini-globali-del-neoliberalismo-al-di-fuori-delleuropa-e-degli-stati-uniti-analizzando-lo-speci%ef%ac%81co-caso-argentino-prendendo-in-esame-le-prime/?lang=en
Ciolli, M. (2023). "Hayek a Buenos Aires: sulle origini globali del neoliberalismo argentino". Pólemos IV. (2). 87-110 https://www.rivistapolemos.it/questo-saggio-intende-indagare-le-origini-globali-del-neoliberalismo-al-di-fuori-delleuropa-e-degli-stati-uniti-analizzando-lo-speci%ef%ac%81co-caso-argentino-prendendo-in-esame-le-prime/?lang=en
Ciolli, Matilde . 2023. "Hayek a Buenos Aires: sulle origini globali del neoliberalismo argentino". Pólemos IV (2). Donzelli Editore: 87-110. https://www.rivistapolemos.it/questo-saggio-intende-indagare-le-origini-globali-del-neoliberalismo-al-di-fuori-delleuropa-e-degli-stati-uniti-analizzando-lo-speci%ef%ac%81co-caso-argentino-prendendo-in-esame-le-prime/?lang=en




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