WEARING THE MASK OF PAUL. Jacob Taubes reads Walter Benjamin

2/2016, [:it]settembre[:en]September[:] ISBN: 9788899871505pp. 17 - 39 DOI: 10.19280/P2016-2-002


The paper studies in a systematic way the role of Benjamin’s philosophy with respect to Taubes’ works and thought, by following his own two perspectives on Benjamin. We find a first mention of Benjamin at the beginning of the Fifties, although the appeal the reading of Benjamin bring with it emerges during the Sixties. Taubes resumes peculiar concepts or expressions by Benjamin, as if they were “Pathosformeln”, mostly with hidden citations. This first perspective generates a particular image of Benjamin, as a Gnostic, a Nihilist, a Marxist devoted to theology, and a Modern Marcionite as well. Later, a second perspective comes up as Taubes approaches Carl Schmitt’s works and his obsession with political theology, during the Seventies and the Eighties. Such a perspective represents a narrowing of both, Benjamin and Schmitt, which becomes visible in the 1987 lectures on the Letter to the Romans. In those lectures, Schmitt appears as a sort of priest, who initiates Taubes into Paul’s letter, whereas Benjamin is stylised as Paul’s exegete. The paper analyses Taubes’ interpretation of Benjamin as a “misreading” (Harold Bloom), directly taking into account also Benjamin’s works.

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Weigel, Sigrid. "WEARING THE MASK OF PAUL. Jacob Taubes reads Walter Benjamin". Pólemos IX. 2. (2016): 17-39 https://www.rivistapolemos.it/nella-maschera-paolo-jacob-taubes-lettore-walter-benjamin/?lang=en
Weigel, S. (2016). "WEARING THE MASK OF PAUL. Jacob Taubes reads Walter Benjamin". Pólemos IX. (2). 17-39 https://www.rivistapolemos.it/nella-maschera-paolo-jacob-taubes-lettore-walter-benjamin/?lang=en
Weigel, Sigrid. 2016. "WEARING THE MASK OF PAUL. Jacob Taubes reads Walter Benjamin". Pólemos IX (2). Donzelli Editore: 17-39. https://www.rivistapolemos.it/nella-maschera-paolo-jacob-taubes-lettore-walter-benjamin/?lang=en




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