I CORPI E LA TECNICITÀ. Note per una filosofia biologica della tecnica in André Leroi-Gourhan

2/2020, dicembre ISBN: 9788855222457pp. 171 - 184 DOI: 10.48247/P2020-2-010


The goal of this paper is offering a reading of the work by André Leroi-Gourhan, in order to find a possible philosophy of technology amid the scientific researches of the French paleoanthropologist. In order to make it explicit, Leroi-Gourhan’s work will be compared with the anthropology by Arnold Gehlen, so to find similarities and divergences with one of the most influent paradigms of technology in the philosophical landscape of the Twentieth century. The aim is to rebuild the profile of an original theory that can integrate two perspectives: the naturalistic one, offered by Life Sciences, and the philosophy’s speculative approach. On one hand, we want to explain the material condition of possibility of the technical phenomenon, on the other hand we want underline the close reciprocity between life and technology, that was the decisive step toward the birth of our species.

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Pilotto, Stefano. "I CORPI E LA TECNICITÀ. Note per una filosofia biologica della tecnica in André Leroi-Gourhan". Pólemos I. 2. (2020): 171-184 https://www.rivistapolemos.it/leroi-gourhan-filosofo-della-tecnica/?lang=en
Pilotto, S. (2020). "I CORPI E LA TECNICITÀ. Note per una filosofia biologica della tecnica in André Leroi-Gourhan". Pólemos I. (2). 171-184 https://www.rivistapolemos.it/leroi-gourhan-filosofo-della-tecnica/?lang=en
Pilotto, Stefano. 2020. "I CORPI E LA TECNICITÀ. Note per una filosofia biologica della tecnica in André Leroi-Gourhan". Pólemos I (2). Donzelli Editore: 171-184. https://www.rivistapolemos.it/leroi-gourhan-filosofo-della-tecnica/?lang=en




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