LA PERMANENZA DELL’IMMAGINARIO NEL POLITICO. Il Simbolico del potere e i fantasmi di unità sociale, nel pensiero di Claude Lefort

1/2016, [:it]gennaio[:en]January[:] ISBN: 9788899871031pp. 230 - 251 DOI: 10.19280/P2016-0011


The democratic order of modernity introduces a radically new configuration of power. When political power comes from everyone, society no longer immediately manifests itself as an embodied (inkorporierbar) or closed representation. Following the works of Claude Lefort, political power is attested in the Symbolic, at the latest with the social upheavals at the end of the 18th century. Following this historical ‘disincorporation’ of power (Lefort), neither the State nor any sovereign can represent society in a lasting or comprehensive way. With the fall of the monarchic, or theological-political, model of power, every instance that until then had produced the effect of legitimizing a society understood as transcendent totality is also dissolved. Political power no longer shows itself in the fact that sovereigns can appear at the top of society, and yet, at the same time, every postulate of power, in order to have a foundation, must be legitimized through a form of symbolic representation. For this reason, each power constellation is shown through the conflicting representations of society. Lefort understood this phenomenon as an internal division of society, constitutive and original. This division is a fundamental figure in his thinking about the state, democracy and power. For the moment, it only indicates that the ways of being, or the practice of society, never coincide with its symbolic representation in a coherent, congruent, or self-evident relationship; in short, society never falls into unity with itself. On the contrary, society manifests itself only there, where it lacks itself.

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Trautmann, Felix. "LA PERMANENZA DELL’IMMAGINARIO NEL POLITICO. Il Simbolico del potere e i fantasmi di unità sociale, nel pensiero di Claude Lefort". Pólemos IX. 1. (2016): 230-251
Trautmann, F. (2016). "LA PERMANENZA DELL’IMMAGINARIO NEL POLITICO. Il Simbolico del potere e i fantasmi di unità sociale, nel pensiero di Claude Lefort". Pólemos IX. (1). 230-251
Trautmann, Felix. 2016. "LA PERMANENZA DELL’IMMAGINARIO NEL POLITICO. Il Simbolico del potere e i fantasmi di unità sociale, nel pensiero di Claude Lefort". Pólemos IX (1). Donzelli Editore: 230-251.




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