SUSAN TAUBES AND THE PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION. Negative theology as a theory of modern culture

2/2016, [:it]settembre[:en]September[:] ISBN: 9788899871505pp. 207 - 229 DOI: 10.19280/P2016-2-011


The article presents the philosopher and writer Susan Taubes (born Feldman, Budapest, 1928 – New York, 1969), whose reflections on “The absent God”, although emerged in the horizon of the postwar period, are of great relevance to current theoretical interests about the threshold between cultural theory and philosophy of religion. The comparison of the Hebrew theoretician with the German philosophy (Nietzsche, Heidegger), which she understands as “smuggled theology”, with Gnosis, with Simone Weil, with the contemporary American cultural anthropology, and the history of tragedy are here interpreted as contributions to a “Negative Theology” or as a “Jewish thought in a world without God”. The author directs the “Susan Taubes Archiv” at the Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung in Berlin and is the editor of Susan Taubes writings at Fink Verlag in Munich. Among others, published writings are: Susan Taubes. Die Korrespondenz mit Jacob Taubes 1950-1951, edited and commented by Christina Pareigis, 2 vols. München: Fink 2011/2013 and Prosaschriften edited and commented by Christina Pareigis from American version Werner Richter, München: Fink 2015.

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Weigel, Sigrid. "SUSAN TAUBES AND THE PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION. Negative theology as a theory of modern culture". Pólemos IX. 2. (2016): 207-229
Weigel, S. (2016). "SUSAN TAUBES AND THE PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION. Negative theology as a theory of modern culture". Pólemos IX. (2). 207-229
Weigel, Sigrid. 2016. "SUSAN TAUBES AND THE PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION. Negative theology as a theory of modern culture". Pólemos IX (2). Donzelli Editore: 207-229.




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