«Io però non sono cristiano». Esilio ed ebraismo in Furio Jesi

1/2022, March ISBN: 9788855224826pp. 201 - 221 DOI: 10.48247/P2022-1-011


Furio Jesi elaborates, this is our working hypothesis, his theory of the “mythological machine” looking at the use of this same machine in an anti-Semitic sense. The same mechanism that he recognizes linked to the non-genuine myth, technicized and directed to a political purpose, is recognized in the anti-Semitic mythological machine since the medieval Christian legend of the wandering Jew, in the accusation of blood directed against the Jews and the related myth of the Jew vampire, in the ritual and sociological-economic sense, and of the “different” and “powerful” Jew. At the same time Jesi recognizes in these figures (the wandering Jew, the vampire) on the border between life and death the figure of the poet and of himself, on the border between Judaism and Christianity, between mortality and immortality, between creative writing and essay criticism, between wisdom and darkness, that darkness that recognizes, in a 1966 letter to Gershom Scholem, to characterize an unnameable God but with whom one can, together with others, tell about himself and tell a “story”.

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Tagliacozzo, Tamara. "«Io però non sono cristiano». Esilio ed ebraismo in Furio Jesi". Pólemos III. 1. (2022): 201-221 https://www.rivistapolemos.it/io-pero-non-sono-cristiano-esilio-ed-ebraismo-in-furio-jesi/?lang=en
Tagliacozzo, T. (2022). "«Io però non sono cristiano». Esilio ed ebraismo in Furio Jesi". Pólemos III. (1). 201-221 https://www.rivistapolemos.it/io-pero-non-sono-cristiano-esilio-ed-ebraismo-in-furio-jesi/?lang=en
Tagliacozzo, Tamara. 2022. "«Io però non sono cristiano». Esilio ed ebraismo in Furio Jesi". Pólemos III (1). Donzelli Editore: 201-221. https://www.rivistapolemos.it/io-pero-non-sono-cristiano-esilio-ed-ebraismo-in-furio-jesi/?lang=en




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