THE GLOBAL SENSE OF THE PLACE. A Kantian perspective on the relationship between place, identity and culture

1/2018, [:it]giugno[:en]June[:] ISBN: 978-88-31928-37-3pp. 120 - 141 DOI: 10.19280/P2018-1-007


The localization of identities and the local meaning of cultures are becoming more and more important themes, especially due to the increasing geographical extension of the social, economic and political relations. Yet, if it is true that today the speed and intensity of global interconnections has grown, it is also true that such interrelations are not new. This is the fundamental point I plan to discuss in my paper: to approach the relation between place, culture and identity through a focused historical analysis of the global sense of place. A work plan which finds in the Enlightenment, the first phenomenon to be national and local and international, a perfect testbed. I will focus my attention on the figure of Immanuel Kant, whose work illustrates at best how the geographical processes of global exploration, oceanic navigation and terrestrial encounter, prompted new forms of planetary awareness and geo-literary consciousness.


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Morawski, Tommaso. "THE GLOBAL SENSE OF THE PLACE. A Kantian perspective on the relationship between place, identity and culture". Pólemos XI. 1. (2018): 120-141
Morawski, T. (2018). "THE GLOBAL SENSE OF THE PLACE. A Kantian perspective on the relationship between place, identity and culture". Pólemos XI. (1). 120-141
Morawski, Tommaso. 2018. "THE GLOBAL SENSE OF THE PLACE. A Kantian perspective on the relationship between place, identity and culture". Pólemos XI (1). Donzelli Editore: 120-141.




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