Kafka’s party

1/2020, Luglio ISBN: 9788855221153pp. 83 - 105 DOI: 10.48247/P2020-1-006


As is known, Kafka does not refer to the halachic tradition, through which the rabbis codified the laws, but uses the aggadic mode, that is a poetic form, that of the legend, in order to avoid in this way that one’s writing could also function as a law. From all this we can immediately learn some things: in addition to indicating that the use we make of writing is always a position before the law, Kafka shows us the possibility of a destituent style of writing. Finally and keeping in mind, for our continuation and already as its fulfillment, that this proceeding refers directly to study as a messianic practice, in this more similar to the game than to the strict school discipline, we could conclude that if the poetic form of language is, to paraphrase Fortini, homologous to the formalization of life which is «the end and the end of communism», then truly revolutionary is only that movement that brings these two formalization exercises to their coincidence.

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Tarì, Marcello. "Kafka’s party". Pólemos I. 1. (2020): 83-105 https://www.rivistapolemos.it/il-partito-di-kafka/?lang=en
Tarì, M. (2020). "Kafka’s party". Pólemos I. (1). 83-105 https://www.rivistapolemos.it/il-partito-di-kafka/?lang=en
Tarì, Marcello. 2020. "Kafka’s party". Pólemos I (1). Donzelli Editore: 83-105. https://www.rivistapolemos.it/il-partito-di-kafka/?lang=en




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