Ontological chiasm. Carchia, Agamben and the benjaminian daimon

1/2020, Luglio ISBN: 9788855221153pp. 231 - 248 DOI: 10.48247/P2020-1-013


It is singular how the features of a profitable theoretical relationship can sometimes come to light only from an analysis of implicit references or, at best, from the study of extremely detailed and detailed statements. It is as if some authors – moved in this not by intellectual dishonesty, but by a sort of excess of respect – did not want then to reveal, precisely in order not to affect purity and unity, the precise terms of such closeness. In this perspective – that of a sober minus dicere – the bond that unites two of the most perspicuous contemporary Italian authors, Giorgio Agamben and Gianni Carchia, acquires a paradigmatic value. Our hypothesis is that the link between Agamben and Carchia is due, on the one hand, to the common interest in Walter Benjamin’s philosophy, and on the other, and perhaps more radically, to the latter’s explanation in a very particular platonic key.

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Di Viesto, Luca. "Ontological chiasm. Carchia, Agamben and the benjaminian daimon". Pólemos I. 1. (2020): 231-248 https://www.rivistapolemos.it/il-chiasma-ontologico-carchia-agamben-e-il-daimon-benjaminiano/?lang=en
Di Viesto, L. (2020). "Ontological chiasm. Carchia, Agamben and the benjaminian daimon". Pólemos I. (1). 231-248 https://www.rivistapolemos.it/il-chiasma-ontologico-carchia-agamben-e-il-daimon-benjaminiano/?lang=en
Di Viesto, Luca. 2020. "Ontological chiasm. Carchia, Agamben and the benjaminian daimon". Pólemos I (1). Donzelli Editore: 231-248. https://www.rivistapolemos.it/il-chiasma-ontologico-carchia-agamben-e-il-daimon-benjaminiano/?lang=en




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