The European Union’s migration policies have often been classified under the label of “Fortress Europe”, as if the almost exclusive concern of governments were the prevention of new entries and the building of walls or expulsion and removal. The thesis of the article is that such policies respond rather to the needs of selective and differential inclusion/ exclusion. The creation of the Schengen area is an example of a border continuum process providing free access to they who have regular documents and pass through a regular entry point as well as the application of strict restrictions by means of police checks, fences and walls to undesirable subjects. The border continuum ranges from one extreme to the other, from walls to camps for foreigners, from the outsourcing of controls and the deterritorialization of borders to the race for the hoarding of talents or investors through facilitated lanes for entry or citizenship. Although different, the forms of European border reorganization have nevertheless a fundamental common trait: to ensure that migration flows can be controlled or negotiated so as to produce, starting from ungovernable flows, mobile subjects that can be governed.