Ideas Without Words. Rereading Right-Wing Culture

1/2022, March ISBN: 9788855224826pp. 39 - 57 DOI: 10.48247/P2022-1-003


Shortly before his untimely death, Furio Jesi published a nuanced, trenchant and controversial anatomy of right-wing thought and mythopoesis, Cultura di destra (1979), cutting across its diverse reactionary, modernist, mystical, traditionalist and racist formations. Jesi excavated the culture of the right’s defining reliance on a mythological machine that produces the past as “a kind of homogenised mush that can be moulded at will”, and which allows one to declare that “there exist indisputable values, indicated by capitalised words” – Family, Honour, Work, Tradition, Civilisation, and last but not least, Culture. This article explores Jesi’s engagement with the likes of Julius Evola, Mircea Eliade, Gabriele D’Annunzio and Oswald Spengler, while also touching on the relation between this diagnostic work and Jesi’s broader analysis of the nexus between literature, myth and politics, with particular reference to his interrogation of the works of the Italian novelist, poet and intellectual Cesare Pavese. What can Jesi’s method bring to a critical theory of the contemporary recombinant right? Or, to borrow Spengler’s formula, so crucial to Jesi’s investigation, what are today’s “ideas without words”?

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Toscano, Alberto. "Ideas Without Words. Rereading Right-Wing Culture". Pólemos III. 1. (2022): 39-57
Toscano, A. (2022). "Ideas Without Words. Rereading Right-Wing Culture". Pólemos III. (1). 39-57
Toscano, Alberto. 2022. "Ideas Without Words. Rereading Right-Wing Culture". Pólemos III (1). Donzelli Editore: 39-57.




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