How to stop a dialectic: Furio Jesi, Walter Benjamin and the revolt against time

1/2022, March ISBN: 9788855224826pp. 365 - 392 DOI: 10.48247/P2022-1-020


In this paper, we will argue that, looking at the work of Walter Benjamin and Furio Jesi, we see a full-fledged alternative to dialectical theory. More accurately, we see a take on dialectical theory, what Benjamin calls “dialectics at a standstill”, which may assume the form of a dialectic at times but which takes things in an entirely different – and non, or other temporal – direction. We are reading these two authors in constellation with one another because we believe that taking either of them separately does not give a full enough view of the depth and alterity of this other way of thinking about and occupying time. While Benjamin is the better known of the two figures, we will argue that Furio Jesi supplies a critical set of illuminations that gives us, not just the outlines of this alternative but also a keen sense of how it functions, how it uses the form of dialectical presupposition to deliver us from its otherwise inevitable outcomes.

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Martel, James R., and Emanuele E. Pelilli. "How to stop a dialectic: Furio Jesi, Walter Benjamin and the revolt against time". Pólemos III. 1. (2022): 365-392
Martel, J., & Pelilli E. (2022). "How to stop a dialectic: Furio Jesi, Walter Benjamin and the revolt against time". Pólemos III. (1). 365-392
Martel, James R., and Emanuele E. Pelilli. 2022. "How to stop a dialectic: Furio Jesi, Walter Benjamin and the revolt against time". Pólemos III (1). Donzelli Editore: 365-392.




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