
1/2022, March ISBN: 9788855224826pp. 295 - 316 DOI: 10.48247/P2022-1-015


In 1936, Jung resorted to the daring hypothesis of the return of Wotan in order to explain the disruption caused by Nazism in Germany. Odin, the ancient god of storm and frenzy, had awakened as a dormant volcano, had taken possession of the German people, and had delivered them to the Nazi leaders. The term employed by Jung to describe this tragic phenomenon is Ergriffenheit, which designates a state of being seized and thus possessed. The notion of Ergriffenheit, translated in Italian as “commozione”, is the bedrock of Frobenius’s research, which has been a major influence on ethnology, on religion studies, and on the sciences of ancient civilizations in general. In this meaning, the term is taken up by Jesi since his research on ancient Egyptian civilization in the 1950s. The contribution reconstructs Jesi’s reflections on Ergriffenheit, highlighting its relevance with respect to the confrontation with Nazism, and to the more general problem posed by the technicization of myth, as well.

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Carbone, Guelfo. "Furor". Pólemos III. 1. (2022): 295-316 https://www.rivistapolemos.it/furor/?lang=en
Carbone, G. (2022). "Furor". Pólemos III. (1). 295-316 https://www.rivistapolemos.it/furor/?lang=en
Carbone, Guelfo. 2022. "Furor". Pólemos III (1). Donzelli Editore: 295-316. https://www.rivistapolemos.it/furor/?lang=en




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