PHARMACOLOGY OF DIGITAL AGE. Symptomatology and care of technological society

2/2020, dicembre ISBN: 9788855222457pp. 291 - 307 DOI: 10.48247/P2020-2-017


The paper aims to propose a philosophical approach to the current technological evolution without following an Heideggerian way, but starting from the assumption that digital age increased writing techniques, it reclaims some speculative topics of Derrida. We focused particularly on the concept of pharmakon to highlight the ambivalence of writing as threat to the stability of logos and at the same time as opening to the differential relationship between speech and writing, marked by arche-writing as condition of possibility of inscription.
The results of Derridian grammatological itinerary are re-adapted to the context of digital society thanks to the reflections of Stiegler and his idea of grammatization as final step of externalization process of writing on memory supports. By retracing his analysis of the digital society, we remark both dangerous effects of a non-reflexive and pervasive relationship with technology and possibility of developing and increasing a relational and trans-individual intelligence through an aware use of it. Finally, our paper focuses on the most interesting perspective of Stiegler’s thought: the reclamation of dialogical and pedagogical attitude of philosophy to think about an ethic of self-care devoted to future generations, where the new cognitive possibilities offered by digital technologies can promote a new spiritual ecology.

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Bianchini, Guido. "PHARMACOLOGY OF DIGITAL AGE. Symptomatology and care of technological society". Pólemos I. 2. (2020): 291-307
Bianchini, G. (2020). "PHARMACOLOGY OF DIGITAL AGE. Symptomatology and care of technological society". Pólemos I. (2). 291-307
Bianchini, Guido. 2020. "PHARMACOLOGY OF DIGITAL AGE. Symptomatology and care of technological society". Pólemos I (2). Donzelli Editore: 291-307.




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