Elements for a Theory of Destituent Power

1/2020, Luglio ISBN: 9788855221153pp. 109 - 124 DOI: 10.48247/P2020-1-007


The fundamental ontological problem is today not the work, but the inoperativeness and if this can, however, be verified only through a work, then the corresponding political concept can no longer be that of a “constituent power”, but something that could be called “destituent power”. And if constituent power corresponds to revolutions and riots, that is, a violence that sets and constitutes the new right, for the destituent power it is necessary to think of all other strategies, whose definition is the task of coming politics. A power that has only been struck down by violence will rise in another form, in the incessant, inexorable, desolate dialectic between constituent power and constituted power, violence that places the right and violence that preserves it.

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Agamben, Giorgio. "Elements for a Theory of Destituent Power". Pólemos I. 1. (2020): 109-124 https://www.rivistapolemos.it/elementi-per-una-teoria-della-potenza-destituente/?lang=en
Agamben, G. (2020). "Elements for a Theory of Destituent Power". Pólemos I. (1). 109-124 https://www.rivistapolemos.it/elementi-per-una-teoria-della-potenza-destituente/?lang=en
Agamben, Giorgio. 2020. "Elements for a Theory of Destituent Power". Pólemos I (1). Donzelli Editore: 109-124. https://www.rivistapolemos.it/elementi-per-una-teoria-della-potenza-destituente/?lang=en




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