BILDUNG AND CITIZESHIP. Hegelian philosophical Propaedeutics as a political programme

2/2017, [:it]dicembre[:en]December[:] ISBN: [:it]978-88-31928-35-9[:en]978-88-31928-32-8[:]pp. 149 - 169 DOI: 10.19280/P2017-2-008


The texts collated in the Philosophical Propaedeutic are of essential importance in the development of Hegelian thinking. Here, the general outline of the system finds its first complete expression and its main foundations are laid, with a work that, in the same years, led to the first edition of the Science of Logic. Perhaps even more important, these texts allow a full appreciation of Hegel’s political and cultural aims and, more generally, of his understanding of the duties of philosophy. In the Propaedeutic, philosophical reflection is seen as the centre of a widespread and far-reaching cultural production, able to inform and address the political work, as well as to shape the society. This stems from and undelying, and fully expressed and justified, conception of society as a whole of relations and individuals essentially bounded by culturally recognisable practices. It is in this conception of Bildung, as the issue that forms any political community beyond and nationalist or identitarian belonging, that the central theme of Hegelian political thinking find its its core expression.

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Cantatore, Nane. "BILDUNG AND CITIZESHIP. Hegelian philosophical Propaedeutics as a political programme". Pólemos X. 2. (2017): 149-169
Cantatore, N. (2017). "BILDUNG AND CITIZESHIP. Hegelian philosophical Propaedeutics as a political programme". Pólemos X. (2). 149-169
Cantatore, Nane. 2017. "BILDUNG AND CITIZESHIP. Hegelian philosophical Propaedeutics as a political programme". Pólemos X (2). Donzelli Editore: 149-169.




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