Apartheid, decolonizzazione e New Deal. L’ordine globale dell’economia secondo Wilhelm Röpke

2/2023, Dicembre ISBN: 9788855226400pp. 111 - 130 DOI: 10.48247/P2023-2-007


In the 1950s and 1960s, Wilhelm Röpke published a series of articles in defence of apartheid. By reconstructing the arguments in favour of South African segregation, it will be shown how, although radicalised over time, these positions did not produce a real break in his theory. The discussion over decolonisation and Western development programmes will be placed within the broader framework of his sociological theory. Indeed, it will be argued how the defence of racial evolutionism, far from producing a rupture within his conceptual system, harmonises perfectly with his hyper-conservative social theory and his scepticism towards mass democracy. Finally, it will be shown how the question of race, as well as that of class, impact equally on the proposal for a global economic order that is immune to the “mass hyperpoliticisation” of which the post-World War II global New Deal is accused.


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Malatesta, Olimpia. "Apartheid, decolonizzazione e New Deal. L’ordine globale dell’economia secondo Wilhelm Röpke". Pólemos IV. 2. (2023): 111-130 https://www.rivistapolemos.it/apartheid-decolonizzazione-e-new-deal-lordine-globale-delleconomia-secondo-wilhelm-ropke/?lang=en
Malatesta, O. (2023). "Apartheid, decolonizzazione e New Deal. L’ordine globale dell’economia secondo Wilhelm Röpke". Pólemos IV. (2). 111-130 https://www.rivistapolemos.it/apartheid-decolonizzazione-e-new-deal-lordine-globale-delleconomia-secondo-wilhelm-ropke/?lang=en
Malatesta, Olimpia. 2023. "Apartheid, decolonizzazione e New Deal. L’ordine globale dell’economia secondo Wilhelm Röpke". Pólemos IV (2). Donzelli Editore: 111-130. https://www.rivistapolemos.it/apartheid-decolonizzazione-e-new-deal-lordine-globale-delleconomia-secondo-wilhelm-ropke/?lang=en




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